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The Artist

Photo by Gray Lyons, 2017.

Photo by Gray Lyons, 2017.

Photo by Kira Tippenhauer, 2017.

Photo by Kira Tippenhauer, 2017.

Sarah Jane

view my cv

The world around me inspires both intense curiosity and profound reverence. My creative responses include site-specific and collaborative works as well as sculptural pieces and mosaics. I am particularly focused on creating art that speaks across cultural, religious, or economic differences.

In addition to my own studio practice, I’ve worked as a university professor, art program manager, and gallery coordinator. Two highlights from this past year include launching Mere Objects and providing ongoing consulting and support for a team of ceramic artisans at Papillon Enterprise in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Since 2018, I have served as Gallery and Program Director for the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center on the stunning North Olympic Peninsula in Washington state.


MFA, 2008, University of Kentucky

BA, 2004, Asbury College (now University)


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