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Sculptural & Functional Ceramic Artwork


Ceramics: Sculptural & Functional Works

I've been working in clay for about 15 years now. My first training in ceramics was as a figurative sculptor, and that has influenced the way I approach all of my ceramic work, from sculptural pieces to functional pottery. 

Click on any image to view it larger. 


Fearless Goddess
Raku-fired ceramic, 10x6x8", 2017



Overflowing Vessels

Thrown & Altered White Stoneware, Cone 6, 10.5-12" tall, 2015



Saggar Vessel

Saggar-fired white stoneware, 11x11x8", 2015



Deco Vase

Water-Etched Tan Stoneware with Porcelain Slip, 5x5x8.5", 2013



Salt Goddess

Salt-Fired Brown Stoneware, Cone 6, 3.5x4.5x6", 2011